Our Alumni


Since 2015, students have worked tirelessly to nurture European Horizons by founding local chapters, organizing international conferences, forming fruitful partnerships, and developing innovative ideas.

Today, our Alumni Ambassadors are represented in more than twenty countries across three continents and are engaged in various sectors, from advising governments and major companies to conducting research at world-renowned universities and international organizations.


Alumni occupation by sector

Alumni Testimonials


Nicolas Moës
Head of Operations & AI Policy Researcher at The Future Society

“I discovered European Horizons through its first Digital Economy Youth Summit 2016, which took place in Bruges, Belgium, and its pre-event at the Jean Monnet house in Houjarray, France. It was a few days after the 2016 US elections results and I found it amazing how over 3 days, our discussions moved from shock and disbelief to pathways for reconciling citizens, depolarizing society and extinguishing populist rhetoric. I wanted to do more to help this problem-solving community, so I joined and helped the executive committee in the last semester of my degree.

European Horizons has been such an enriching experience. Joining that community of young, motivated and talented bridge-builders and seeing it grows over the past few years has been both inspiring and exciting! In today’s world, we need more of these fresh ideas for diplomacy and policy, we need more of European Horizons.”


Ia Tserodze
Consultant at the World Bank

“My favorite moment was getting to meet the former President of Ukraine. At the time, I was working on a project trying to untangle the significance of third party intervention in the Eastern European region and their frozen conflicts. Sitting in a small cubicle in DC, I had no way of verifying whether my hypothesis was true or not. Getting a chance to meet a former head of state, face to face in the European capital, was what gave me the confidence and the validation I needed. EuH gave me the platform to ask a direct question to a former head of nation, which otherwise I would have never had the chance to pursue.”


Olivier Sirello
Senior economist at the Banque de France and lecturer at Sciences Po Paris

“I came to know about European Horizon when I was a Princeton student in the United States. I joined the bourgeoning chapter since the beginning on the occasion of its first conference that was organised at Yale in 2015. I remember having been really impressed by the project for two main reasons. To start with, it was a US project dealing with European affairs. This was fascinating, since I believe that a political project like European integration must be observed with sufficient distance to uncover its potential and richness. Additionally, I was really interested in the transatlantic affairs point of view. As far as I know, approaching EU affairs from this perspective is unique. European Horizons’ ambition to connect both sides of the Atlantic in a single project among students all over the world really convinced me to get on board.”

Link to the whole interview.


Bonnie Jin
Executive Director of European Horizons in 2019

“The biggest impact European Horizons had on me was the wonderful people I met. Let’s walk back to how I got involved in European Horizons in the first place. September 2017 — I was a first-year student walking around my school’s Student Activities Fair, feeling very lost in the crowd of all these different student groups. That’s when I saw a small trifold board with European Horizons scrawled across the top.

I decided to join because I wanted to keep up my German and my fledgling interest in European politics and didn’t really take it seriously at first. But the President of my chapter, Alex Marksteiner, believed in me and really encouraged me to keep contributing. Lucas Feuser, who would later become Executive Director of European Horizons that year, trusted me too — even when I didn’t really trust myself.

And so, they invested their time in me: I became the only first-year officer at that chapter, and they even invited me to the Fall Leadership Summit despite having only joined a few weeks ago. After meeting even more new friends, I couldn’t help but feel so committed to this organization. To wrap up, I would say — it’s gotta be the people; the people are the best. I am really just forever indebted to the kindness of so many people in European Horizons.”

Read the whole interview.

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