The books we publish add longevity to our innovative ideas.

How Can Digital Technologies Build a More Integrated Europe?


We are proud to highlight our first book, How Can Digital Technologies Build a More Integrated Europe: Exploring Digital Progress, which was developed and published in cooperation with ASKO Europa Stiftung’s long-standing Mindset Europe series and Nomos.

The anthology presents work on the impact of technological change on political, economic, and social factors in Europe and the ways in which the region can leverage technology to ensure a more prosperous future for the region. 

The book is available for purchase here and by loan in libraries around the world.

Cornerstones for an Evolving Europe


We are proud to highlight our second book, Cornerstones for an Evolving Europe: New Policy Approaches to Economic Development, Environmental Policy, and Human Rights, which was developed and published in cooperation with ASKO Europa Stiftung’s long-standing Mindset Europe series and Nomos.

The book explores COVID-19 as a starting point for new European approaches to economic policy, human rights, and the environment. The anthology collects wide-ranging essays on topics from energy and forestry to urban design and migration policy.

The book is available for purchase here and by loan in libraries around the world.